Dissolve your Communication Skills

I have 1000 of reasons why communication skills is not needed for Humans. Yes its needed but its given too much of a hype out in the world. Truly it sucks. The Number :1 reason is Communication does not have an intimacy. You have an agenda or a task in mind and you approach or probably ping other like a robot. The Communication goes like this,a formal Hi and then straight to the Point which is mostly Do and Don’t or a command with a “can” or “will”. It mostly ends with a smiling smiley.

The Problem of communication is that One group communicates with client or customers as a receiving channel and then passes down the information to the other end. The Idea is that the Middle guy should converse with both the ends or collaborate both the ends to bring about the actual purpose of the idea both really wants. Otherwise, it would appear that one has to do what has been communicated as a duty.

Communication simply is a art of speaking the ideas one thinks in the mind.It ends there.The ability to make a creative conversation out of the ideas we have is communication.Now Communication has become more of an sending down the command and message. One really needs to understand if he becomes a Man by communicating or he became a Robo by communicating.That’s the core point. Even Parrots can be better communicators than Robots since there is a cute factor in the communication of Parrots.

Always having an agenda in Mind and in the name of getting things done is what makes Jack a dull boy. when there is no agenda, conversation happens and out of the conversation there is a great contentment in the moment spent for both.He directly feels the connection with the other person without any wires of communication link. The wi-fi hotspot is active for both and connection happens in a click. It takes real time to build a great world. Destruction can be fast. Communication is more of a command which is destructive by nature. It appears that we are building but we are actually cutting down the trees, we are cutting down the roots.

The Future is really going to get mad with the Internet of Things where even objects communicate with each other. Your Home, Fridge, TV, Mobile, Car, Credit Cards, Devices all will communicate with each other and do things on it own. Imagine all the devices shouting at you in a moment. So funny to see you with an electric shock hairstyle with You sitting there in the middle of all things. People are now angry that they want to break their computers and in the future they simply will be angry on plenty of things. The Capitalistic Model of One Mans Business is not going to enhance the society. He is trying to set up everything automatic so he can relax but he is not able to relax. You are trying to learn skills on Internet of things for the One mans Idea of relaxing in his Future. Both are going to meet and fail because the moment it meets, the technology is outdated and the one man is worried that whatever he has setup is outdated and there is a next one man turning things for his future relaxing.

Relaxing the Business Way

Relaxing the Business Way

Breathing Out is Relaxing. Quit Smoking!

The way of Materials does not function as Life and Death. They are not two separate terms. Death is a very Relaxing Process within Life. “Breathing In” is Life and “Breathing Out” is Death. This is in terms of the Core Self in the Mind. In Simple Words, “Breathing In” creates the Self Buffer and “Breathing Out” dissolves the Self Buffer.

Mind is a very broad term and to explain Mind we need to look deep into the Mind. Mind consists of Manas, Intellect and Self. In other words, Manas,Intellect and Self is collectively called as Mind. Self is all the I statements you use. For Example: I am Robin and I am coming from Delhi.Intellect is the Skill Part which is the training part of the Mind. You use Intellect to learn and understand. For Example: Swimming, Cycling or Driving. Before one can swim, the Self is not aware of the certainity. Its completely unknown. Slowly the Intellect analysis and learns and informs the Self. Then the Self feels the ease out the unknown with the help of the Intellect. Manas is the empty space where the Brain sends the sense inputs, thoughts stored in memory.Self and Intellect analyse and process these information and takes decision. Self Buffer attaches itself to the thoughts which are colored and a emotional decision is made. Intellect may go mad or makes rational suggestions to Self based on the input through comparison.For Example: You have got so much of skills and still you dont shine and the other guy who does not know anything has plenty of money. The Intellect automatically suggests to Self and the Self buffer goes down where motivation is needed to push the self buffer high again. This is the cycle of Self. This is the cycle of so called your life.

Death is very relaxing because once the self dissolves manas is free with pure consciousness alone with no thoughts as thoughts are the basic root cause of distractions and confusions. The Thoughtless Mind is the Richest Mind. Not the Mind of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Richness is not measured in terms of Money. Hence the Self running after money is sheer madness. As a Utility, Money can be exchanged for sharing towards the Humanity. Its very relaxing if one has no thought of money and can utilize and make use of money towards building a better world. Better World comes here because You are beyond Self and You become the Consciousness once the Self dissolves into relaxation.

Relaxation is a sense of coolness to handle and function. Relaxation is an activity and not merely sitting idle as one believes. Conversing in a relaxed way makes everyone feel better as there is no tension. You have made a next person happy and he will turn creative out the happiness you have shared. The Project and the tasks we handle should be relaxing and one actually should feel sad once the Project is over. Many go for treats and party once the project is completed and they would be waiting for the Project to get completed, so that they can go and relax. As a Painter he draws day and night and once the beautiful painting is completed, he feels boredom with contentment because the relaxation over painting has come to an end. Now He thinks what are the other ways to relax.

The way people work to create pressure out of themselves and others is ridiculous. Then they go out for smoking to relax themselves.There is a certain knack which we need to understand the situation which we are living co depending with each other. We live for people and policies,deliverable and compliance should support for the benefit of people among us as well as around us. Every one are customers to one another. Diving into creativity and making things happy around us will result in customer satisfaction.

Short film on negligence and safety

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Ancient Indian Science of Prana

What is Prana?

We have heard about Yoga and Pranayama. Prana is a Sanskrit word and the translation in English is still not apt or possible in a single word or a bunch of statements. Prana is mostly translated in English as ‘Life Force’ and many also refer Oxygen as Prana.

I am not a Sanskrit scholar to give translation. However, by reading different texts, I tried to grasp what the ancients mean by Prana. Prana means Energy and my Explanation for the same is as below:

Light is a source of Energy as we say. But Light contains Photon which are particle in nature. Science also says that Photon contains quantum of Energy. By this, Photon carries Energy is the understanding.

In a similar sense, Oxygen is a matter(gas) but it in-turn will carry Energy(assume). The Matter is of Four State as identified(solid,liquid,gas,plasma) and these are all the manifestations of Energy and in-turn will carry Energy as well. A Photon is a manifestation of Energy and it in turn will carry Energy.

We intake air,Water and Food. We also have Vision, Sound, Taste and Smell has Inputs. The Energy from Air, Water and Food will be referred to as Prana.  In other sense, If we breathe Pure air, we intake more Prana and if the air is impure and polluted, the prana will be less. Same with  contaminated and polluted water and food. In that sense, Vegetarian Food will have more Prana than non-vegetarian food.

Air(Oxygen),Water and Food are important for our survival. Lets see How it works,

We drink Water(Prana) and it forms the blood and We eat food(Prana) which gets mixed in the blood and We breathe Oxygen(Prana) which burns the Food and supplies Energy as well as revitalizes the Body. There is a Channel for the Prana Flow in the Body. These Channels are called as Nadis.

What are Nadis?
Nadis are the nostrils, esophagus and Blood vessels. These are the channels in which the prana(Energy) flows.
There are two nostrils called as Ida and Pingala and the connecting point of the two nadis is called sushumna. If there are any blocks in the nostrils, the flow of Energy may get hindered and hence techniques like Pranayamana are of help.
Just like sushumna is a connecting Point for two nostrils, there are in total 72,000 connecting points in the blood vessels as well which are called as Chakras.

What are Chakras?
Chakras are the junction points for the Energy flow. If we connect two pipes for the flow of water and in case there is a block or hold in the junction, the flow or speed of water might get reduced. In a similar way, if there is any blockage in the blood vessel connecting points, the flow of prana could get affected. Pranayamana technique will be effective in the nostril and esophagus and it cannot be as effective in the blood vessels. Precaution is needed to maintain the blood(which carries prana) and this can be done by taking hygienic food which doesn’t contain any cholesterol and other junk. A fresh green vegetable has more prana than the dead meat. A fruit has more prana than the cooked food. A Fruit Juice has more prana than tea or coffee.

Seven Chakras and its Significance:
Of the 72,000 connecting points in the nadis(blood vessels) the Seven are the main Chakras. This number as such 72,000 may be associated with the heart beat(72 times) and the pulse rate(about 72 times). These are the termed as Main chakras as they are in line with the nervous system of the spinal cord. Hence whatever you think(mind), you will likely to spend the energy on that thought. For example, if you think about eating ice cream, you will use your energy thinking about icecream and focus on them to start an action with or without conscious. You may satisfy the thought by buying an ice cream and even if you don’t buy it now, you would have this thought pending which can affect your other routine works and in spending enough energy on them or concentrating.

The Seven Chakras will correspond to the endocrine glands in the human body and if there is any thought in the mind, the brain will command the endocrine glands to produce hormones. If the Mind is in fear, the brain would command the adrenal glands to secrete androgen and you would likely to spend your energy on fear and survival. This is True because when there is someone coming to kill you with a knife and we are hiding under a bed, we feel a sudden rise in Energy level in the body and there will be heavy breathe to supply more prana for the exhausting energy.


Avatar for the Trees

Avatar for the Trees – A Talk by Trees in Tropical Forest

Disclaimer : This is an imaginary Post. If the world is Real; this post would also be Real.

Location : A Tropical Rain Forest

Papaya  : People fear me since the papaya fruit will likely cause abortion and the pregnant woman usually avoid eating the fruit and even the doctors don’t advice anyone to eat papaya even though I have lot of benefits.

Coconut  : My friends in city used to say that coconut is widely used by people and I am getting costly each day. People are spending Rs.30 to Rs.50 to drink a coconut water. Also, a lot of companies have come up with brands stating 100% Pure Unflavored drink.

Avocado  : Wow, I would say, “Coconut Tree, You are great! ” Many don’t know me and many would have not even heard my name. Even though my avocado fruit has properties to reduce cholesterol, I could see cholesterol is still a major problem with people as they have started eating all kind of junk foods.

Sugarcane : I have one objection with you, avocado. Are you sure that people are eating food(I mean Junk Food). I believe they are eating products which are packed, sealed. They just take out the product and eat. Sometimes, they may have to heat the product.

Date : Yes, its true. People are eating Products. I knew this because, I was once exchanged with old iron craps but now some companies have recognized my true worth and have created brands in me.

Papaya : Does it mean that People wont appreciate the true worth and they likely go behind products. Now, few companies have started to recognize the anti-aging properties papaya has and are creating fairness creams, soaps and the sales are also increasing day by day.

Sugarcane : Yes, its true that people wont appreciate the true worth until one day they lose it. People needs everything today including entertainment and instant gratification and they don’t care about the future.

Coconut : what do you mean by they don’t care about future? Are they not developing day by day in Science, Technology and Everything?  A lot of deadly disease has been cured and they are sending spaceships to mars to identify if water is present there. To say in short, they have even invented robots to climb and pluck coconuts.

Touch Me Not Plant : Can, I join you guys if you don’t mind. People are developing day by day but they are cutting down the trees. Don’t you know that? We are the ones who provide them oxygen to breathe and they are destroying us to build houses and companies to live. what they fail to understand is that they need oxygen to live.

Avocado: I believe this is not an issue with people. Its an issue with media. They need to recognize and appreciate the wonders. I am not saying that I need recognition as I am less recognized. Almost the world have watched a film called Avatar, why its because of media.

Sugarcane : People watch Avatar and no one really cared to take some action even though the movie was about trees. How many planted a tree after watching the movie? I don’t think media can help in shaping the future of the world.

Date : Yes, its true. Media cares only about sensation and people care only if something is interesting or entertaining. People think they have lot of worries and they don’t bother about anything. Even they watch only Entertainment movies.

Papaya : Lets come to the point. So, what steps we can take in order to protect ourselves. Can we start a union just like people do to safeguard their rights? We have to teach a lesson to them so that they can understand what will happen if we stop breathing.

Touch Me Not Plant : The best idea to teach a lesson to them is by creating a avatar.

Coconut : Wait.. Wait.. what are to trying to say.

Touch Me Not Plant : Wait. Let me explain. We need to create an Avatar who seem like a human and we have to enter the city and create chaos. Slowly, we will penetrate the city.

Coconut : If they don’t understand, we shall wipe them out just like what the villains did in Avatar? Am I right? So, who is the Avatar.

All : Its the Money Plant!


Film Making Tips for Short Films : Direction

The Video ” Tamil Short Film : Film Making Tips for  Direction” is a Documentary Film called “Padathin Padam” which provides tips for making short films.

The video is produced by Orange Talkies and directed by Suresh Ginger

The Film covers the Following Topics

1. Pre-Production : Tips for Writing Scripts,Casting.
2. Production : Tips for Budget, Location and Shooting
3. Post-Production : Tips for Editing and Music

Mind is not our Choice?

 Mind is not in our hands or Our Mind is not our Choice.  How is that Mind is not our choice?

Scenario One: JoAnn and her Birthday Gift.

Day One:

JoAnn wanted to buy a gift for her friend’s birthday. She had 100 bucks and she found a wonderful watch and when she was about to purchase it, someone gently requests her that they wanted the watch and JoAnn felt sorry for them and let them buy it.

Day Two:

JoAnn went to a different shopping center and she was surprised to  find the same watch again but now she came to know that someone has already ordered it and now she approaches the concerned person to ask gently that she was in need of the watch but she were not successful in getting it.

Mind Analysis:I helped a person on Day One and in Day Two when the same thing happened to me, no one helped me.         Attitude:She now develop a Attitude that not to help others.

Day Three:

A Friend of JoAnn asked her to lend 100 bucks for a medical emergency. She just replied,” I don’t have any money now”. JoAnn went to a shop to buy some watch which was available for 100 bucks as it was getting delayed. She also felt sad about the lie she said to her friend

Day Four:

When the watch had been gifted to her friend , her friend replied that, I have so many watches and it could have been better if I had got something else. JoAnn felt sorry that she had taken three days to present a gift and that she was not appreciated. She also had a thought that,”I could have helped a friend who had an emergency.”

Mind Analysis: I did not help the Person in Day Three and gave a present to a person on Day Four and I was not appreciated. Attitude:Its better to help a person who is in need rather than who doesn’t ask for help.                                                    

All the Attitudes a person have turns into his character.How is that Attitude turns into a Character?

Scenario Two:  Dong  Lee Mind and his Attitude

Dong Lee Attitude: Smoking is injurious to health and I came to know that many smokers died of cancer.

Dong Lee goes to a party where everyone in the party smokes, some compels him to smoke but he was so strong that he did not accept their request. Everyone in  the party came to an conclusion about Dong that Dong never smokes(Dong Character).

When someone someday finds Dong Lee smoking, they would question him, I thought you would never smoke?

Dong would reply that I started this habit recently since I thought smoking one or two cigars per week is not so injurious( Changed Attitude).

A Attitude of a person varies from Time to Time and the character of a person is what seen by others.


  • I never thought you would do like this.
  • I did not expect this from you.
  • I believed you but you cheated me.

We assume a Character on a person and would  view the person as the character and if the attitude change, the character change.

If Attitude of a Person can Change, why is that I am not able to change my habit?

We just need to understand that “Our Mind is not our Choice” or in other words, “Our Mind is not in Our Hands.

Why is that Mind is not our Choice and How to make it as Our Choice?

The Brain is an Organ which receives constant inputs from sense organs in the body and stores the information and the Output of the information can be called as a thought.

A series of thoughts can be called as Mind.

Example: I forgot where I kept my pen?

Upon Analyzing the information stored in the brain like where you went, whom you met and if you had given to someone, these thoughts can be put together as Mind.

The Information you receive will change day by day and the hence chances are that your mind changes and so does your attitude and character changes.

Now, The Real problem is if we want to really change something it seems to be very difficult.


  • I want to reduce my weight. Even though I have read a lot of information about being slim; I am unable to become slim.
  • I want to quit my bad habits such as smoking, but I am unable to do so; may be I think I got addicted.

So How to change an Habit or to become a better person?

We need to know about the Three Kinds of Mind to understand how we can change or how we can use our mind to become a better person.

  1. Conscious Mind – Thoughts
  2.  Sub-Conscious Mind – Habits (Character- Attitude)
  3. Unconscious Mind – Sleep

In Simple Words, Sub-Conscious Mind is the one which controls Habits. It will make you to remember even if you forget it.


Brushing the Teeth is an Habitual Action we do daily which is controlled by Sub-Conscious.

But in Day One, You would not have remembered that we need to brush our teeth and our mother would have reminded us to do so.

Thus it takes nearly a month for a subconscious mind to remind us an activity to do daily.

In Short we Just need to follow the action for 5 days. The Next Two days(Saturday and Sunday) again mother has to wake us up and then ask to brush our teeth.

To Change an Habit and to change ourselves, We just need to do the activity for 5 days.

Heart is the symbol of love?

Heart is treated as a Symbol of Emotion.

  • Do What your Heart says
  • Follow your Heart
  • Don’t take it to your Heart
  • You are in my Heart
  • You stole my Heart
  • You made me a broken Heart

The above sentences are always referred by people and if we think deeper, Mind is the one which is related with thoughts.

So, What is the function of the Heart?

The Heart is just another organ in the body just like Lung or Kidney.

The Heart is just a pump to supply oxygenated Blood(Blood contains 92% water by volume) to all parts of the body where the primary task of lung is to supply oxygen to the blood and that of kidney to purify the blood where the nutrients can be sent to all the body cells for their normal functions.

Hence, Emotions don’t arise from the Heart.

Run Lola Run:

Suppose we run, the Heart beats faster and we breath faster than normal. The more we run, more the energy is used and the body needs more nutrients and thus heart beats faster to supply necessary nutrients. When all the nutrients in the blood are exhausted, there is no more energy left and we would slow down or  sit for relaxing and drink a glass of glucose since it can directly dissolve in the blood for instant energy.

Mind the Real Symbol of Emotion:

The Mind represents the Individuality while rest of the organs are same in every person. Its the Mind that distinguishes from one person to another. The Other bodily differences such as hair color, body shape are due to genes in the DNA.

Hence, Emotion is an experience from the Individual mind based on the external influences.

Scenario where Mind causes Emotions:

Person-A is happy 🙂 to hear a pop song and Person-B likes rock song.

Person-B is Sad 😦 due to the death of a friend and Person-B is happy that his enemy is dead.

Outcome of the Emotions from Mind:

Crying is an indication of Sadness where the outcome of the emotion is tears in the eyes.

This means emotions arise from the mind will be expressed in the body.

  • When we are Happy, we Jump.
  • When we are Angry, we shout.

So, if mind is responsible for Emotion, why does Heart come into picture?

Consider a scenario, its raining heavily outside and your partner is waiting for you near railway station

Now what does your heart say?

Even if it rains, I don’t care and all I wanted is to meet my partner and hence I would follow my heart!!

The Above Scenario is a Decision making process such as Mind needs to take action based on a condition

IF it had not been rained, I would have gone to meet my partner and now that I don’t even have an umbrella.

IF it rains, my partner asked me to stay, ELSE I could have gone.

There are two or more actions from the Mind and its a human tendency to view that one of the action comes from the heart.

Relation between Mind and Heart:

WHEN the rich person turns that side, let me snatch his purse.

The Thief is now thrown into an situation where his Mind is tensed and his heart beats faster and the Mind turns to be alert and active.

Now the Mind might take a decision, “Don’t take risk” which is viewed by the thief that the heart says,”Don’t take risk”

The Simple relationship between Mind and Heart is that,” Nerves connected to the Heart regulate the Speed of the Heart” just like the nerves that connect each and every part of the body(Connection between Mind and Body is through Nerves).

Relation between Love and Heart:

In Case of Love such as Lust, attraction or attachment, the mind causes the nerves to activate the glands and hormones(testosterone or estrogen, Adrenaline,Dopamine) are secreted in the blood and its the heart which pumps this blood all over the body and its the human tendency to believe that Heart is choosing a partner.

Its the Mind which goes out of control and claims that the Heart is in Love.

If we can control the Mind, the Heart will do its duty properly.

So How to control the Mind?

Coffee lover thinks that, “Drinking too much coffee is not good for health” and he plans to avoid drinking coffee.

Suppose, he comes across the aroma of coffee, he will never drink coffee if he asks his mind to not drink coffee.

The more clearer the mind, the more its easy to control!!

Painful Silence

There would be Thousand Words to speak.. But!!

Still Unable to Speak.

– A Painful Silence exists with a Unbearable Pain of

Tooth Ache.

Does Soul Exist

You may arrive at this Question, ” Does Soul Exist?”  if you are thinking about the below topics:

1. Life After Death

2. Do Ghost really exists

3.If soul exists where does it exist in the body

4.Soul does not exist but just wanna check what others feel

5.Our Body functions as Heart beats. So, what does Soul do if it exists?

6.what is Life? Is Soul the one that gives Life to Body or is it DNA?

7. Any other Question related to Life may have induced a thought on soul.

So, Does Soul Exist?

I don’t know the real answer.

Hence, what I am presenting below is what I have read, heard added to  my creativity to arrive at a logical theory.

Body and the Soul:

The main work of the reproductive system(Women) is preparation of the Body(mere Body).

Note: The Body is made up of cells(including Brain Cells) which is made up of DNA(The role of DNA is Protein Synthesis).

The Soul is believed to enter the Body (some say 40 days) after conception(fertilization of Sperm and Ovum).

The Sperm contains(23 chromosomes); Ovum(23 Chromosomes) fuses to 46 Chromosome – Cell. This Cell multiplies and develops into a Body. The Nutrition for the cell is multiply is provided by mother(through what she eats).

New Question!!!!!

If Soul enters the body after 40 days of conception, does Bacteria(Single Cell) have soul?

Bacteria is single cell living organism and the single cell contains DNA. Hence does Bacteria have soul?

A single cell has a boundary to it and it is material or it has a physical dimension.

Bacteria cannot have a soul should be the statement.

In Other words, “Soul is connected to a level of consciousness that is beyond the physical realm”.

Now, Bacteria has DNA(LIFE) but it does not have the consciousness(too low)

Vegetarian Vs Non-Vegetarian:

The concept of vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian is not related with Life. [Read above DNA denoted as Physical Life]

Even Plants have LIFE is what Non-Vegetarian Claim.

Yes,Plants have LIFE but their consciousness is low(too low)

Egg has been added to Vegetarian since its consciousness is too low.

Similarly,Fish is said to have low consciousness.

Consider a Chicken, it has a high consciousness and it would suffer.

Hence, killing it is considered as a sin(since it has the soul) and it can add to your Karma.

Vegetarians avoid killing to add Good Karma to their souls.

Hence, Soul is something related with consciousness.

So, Where does the Soul reside in the body if it can enter a body?

You are not your Mind or the Body is the Statement to be considered.

Consider a Dummy Wire and a Wire with Electricity. The Electricity can be referred to the Soul.

Consider a Dummy Human and the Soul comes into being, he becomes Human Being(Being to be related to the word Conscious).

Hence, Human being contain a Vital Energy which can be referred to as Soul.

third eye


If the Body can open the Third Eye(through Yoga), You can have a new clarity of vision of Life which is beyond normal perception of the normal eyes.

The Third Eye is to raise your perception from the physical dimension to a higher possibility.

Location of the Third Eye:

There are 7 Chakras in the body and the Third eye is location at the Sixth Chakra.

It is said that through Yoga, you can increase your Energy Levels from the lower Chakra (first Chakra) to higher Chakras.

Once the Third Eye is opened, the Soul gets the chance to enter the highest-Seventh Chakra(enlightenment-meaning freedom from suffering, desire and ignorance) which is the motto of the soul.

What happens to Soul After Death of the Body?

  • In case of death(permanent termination of the biological functions of the body.) the soul leaves the body from the Forehead(through Third Eye location). Its heard that an Experiment has been conducted in a hospital with a patient who is about to die and who was kept in a glass room to research Soul. During the time of death, there was a slight crack in the glass exactly at the top of forehead.
  •  The Soul which left the body would try to reenter the body and would try to enter any other body since it has not achieved the highest level and it needs a body to attain enlightenment.
  • There is no Heaven or Hell. The Soul which have failed to achieve enlightenment is made to remain in Earth seeking other bodies and material world continues to suffer. Hence, Earth is considered as Hell. On the Other Hand, the Soul which have achieved enlightenment is considered to be in Heaven.
  • If a person commits sin(Killing, Hurting other souls) then the soul collects Bad Karma and continues it for generations and its energy levels go down and thus making the soul difficult to attain higher energy levels in chakra.
  • The Soul which left the body due to sudden accident or in case of abnormal death, the soul would wander around the area where the body died and would try to enter any other body since the wish was not fulfilled to attain enlightenment.

So, Can a Soul Target a Person or a Body?

  •  There are certain behavior in people where this soul is believed to have entered and people call itGhost or Ghost have attacked the person(entered the body). However, persons who had mental disturbance (e.g.: towards the death of a neighbor) are prone to be disturbed(by mind) and try to create sympathy through mental acts and deeds.

Hence, a Soul cannot target a person.

Soul should be referred to as Energy(Vital Energy for Body)

Consider any machine, it works only when an Energy is supplied (Heat, Electricity etc).

Energy can neighter be created nor be destroyed – Science

I am the Beginning and I am the End – “A Statement which refers God”

It means there would be an Physical End to the Universe. The Universe  expands as there is Energy.

Even though Body has Energy, it cannot be experienced through sense organs(Sense organs can experience only Physical Things).

Chakras and Energies:



Energy can neighter be created nor be destroyed - Science


The Seven Chakras corresponds to Different Energy levels. The Energy from the Sixth Chakra is referred to as Over soul Level.

Desires scatter the Energy levels in the body and there is an aimlessness in the mind and body to go behind something. The Unfulfilled Desires come as Dreams during sleep denotes the scattered Energy. When people die they say, “Let the Soul rest in peace” means that the Energy which got scattered may rest in peace denotes a human tendency to say that unfulfilled desires to fade away.

Relationship between soul and God:

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, It just transforms from one form to another.

Hence, Energy should be termed as God and  Energy should be termed as soul.

Energy does Exist!!!

Disclaimer: The Above Notes are from what I heard, read and added to my creativity.

Here is my God

This is a video on God titled- இதோ எந்தன் தெய்வம்( Here is my God).

The Original Song from the Film-Babu.

I have written the screenplay, directed and edited the video!!

How to escape Sorrow

If you are born in this world, you need to cry!!

I developed a statement or I wrote a dialogue,
“I need to cry, I need to shed tears and I want to fail in Life”

The above statement may seem to be mad, but the truth is it can turn out to be the best statement for the person who follows it.

For Instance, If you are in tough times in your life, you would see it as an experience and try to move on with your life instead of asking the really mad Questions such as, ” Why is that it all happens to me?”.

Another Instance, If we laugh one day with full of happiness, people would say, “Don’t laugh too much you would cry then”.

The Clarity is Happiness and Sadness are cycles of Life and it’s not true that if we laugh we may have to cry!!

The sorrow for anyone would be a loss of a loved one or a broke up.

This can be imagined even as ” A Child crying when her teady bear is lost”

Our Crying is almost similar to that of the Child whether we believe it or not, its the truth!!

Some of the statements to cry include, “My Life has no meaning without my love” or “My Life is incomplete without my Love”

Consider the scenario:

When a camera which was bought with severe desire is lost, we cry
But, When we our-self can give the camera to a friend who wants it, it takes a great heart to do that and we would feel a satisfaction even though we are losing it!!

Crying for oneself means Selfish!! You may need the camera since you extracted happiness out of it.

Crying for someone means spreading misery. If we know that we cannot do anything to the person who has a sorrow. We may just need to pray and move on. If we cry and turn our-self by being sad all the time, we are spreading misery.

A person in sorrow may need to find a way to recover themselves, worrying for that person is of no use and its like stopping them to do their actions with our consolations!

I am deeply in sorrow and How to escape sorrow?

The Simple way to forget sorrow is to keep oneself busy!! But in reality, we tend to do the opposite by simply sitting and thinking the same event which had happened.

For Instance, When a person has lost love, they slowly becomes separated from their friends and the rest of the world.

Instead, it would be happy if they can spread happiness in the world by talking with other people and by keeping themselves busy by doing things which they like the most!!

Palmistry is a Mystery

I am not interested in Palmistry and I did not ask anyone to check my palms.

One Day, I was traveling in a bus and a guy came and sat to me and checked my palms and said something that this is what will happen to you and just like that left in the next stop. I was wondering who is he and why on earth he is telling me things which I did not ask.

But, I don’t want that thing to happen and I was very hard in trying and forcing myself that such a thing should not happen and I wanted to prove that he was wrong!! By my acts, I was going into a state of madness and I would be happy if some events were favorable and sad when the events turn unfavorable.

Unfortunately, However hard I tried I was not able to create the Event against his words and what he said might happen to me.  Since the future is unpredictable, whatever can happen and I need to focus on my goals!!


Astrology is Perception

I am not a believer of astrology. But, Astrology has played a fatal role in my life and had brought sorrows to me.

It all started when I found some astrology books in my grandfather’s house. It was very fun for me to ask for other people’s date of birth and to check their character and yes most people agreed with some points what I said. The important aspect I do is I will read their characters personally and if I found a match in the book, I will tell only those points and not other points which I don’t understand.

So, by this I checked the traits of my close friends and used to tell them and they would throw me surprises and tell me how you are telling me exactly. But, I never knew it could create so much sorrow in my life.

I checked for one of my friend and said about the traits and yes there was surprise and agreed to be true. But the future part written on the person was not good in my perception of them. I firmly believed that a disaster is going to happen and I was going mad such that I should anyhow save from disaster. I had taken that as a motto of my life.

I was not a believer of god but I was going into external locus of control and some events occurred which was out of my control and thought that some external power is there. However, I never prayed for me but I was praying for that person and was crying day and night that I need to somehow stop the disaster. This was also because of the factor that the person said only god can save me and some events were occurring which gave me signals that a disaster is going to happen.

I started thinking day and night about the person and I failed to mind my own business. I did not show interest in anything and I was always found to be dull. I stopped enjoying and I thought I should not enjoy.

The disaster did not happen and my perception was wrong. I also believe that in some way, I was helpful in stopping the disaster again which I don’t know if it right or wrong. This is again my perception and I know that I somehow need to avoid it.



Tense becomes Tension

Why Tense becomes Tension?

What we have which is common for anybody?

Time – 24 Hours a Day. However, we have differentiated Time as Past,Present and Future. We call it as

Past Tense

Present Tense

Future Tense

Now, Consider a Child is born.

The Child lives the present. The Child doesnt know about the past or dont worry about the Future. The Survival of the baby is taken care by the parents.

The Child slowly understands mother,father,relations and others. As the baby grows these nearby such as family becomes its past.

It enters a new world- School. This is the Time it starts to worry about Future.

All Children cry to go to School. The Mother cautions the child saying, “If You do not eat the food, teacher is coming to beat you.”

In the evening, the child is asked to prepare for the Next Day(Future) by giving tasks such as Home work or to study for the test.

A scenerio:

A child asks for a chocolate, the (past) parents tell the child that,”Only if you get First Rank(Future) I will buy and give you”

We worry about the Future!

We feel sad for the Past!

We never live the Present!

Now read the First Line for this Post!

The Courage

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.

– John Quincy Adams

Why is Life

Some of the Questions in Life

How to go to New-york
How to become a doctor
How to become rich
How to choose a profession
How to change a career

The answer to the Question- How to go to New-york

We can go by Flight, Train, Ship, Road. Also, there are different classes of ticket,different time travel and many other factors which we need to research to find out the best or optimum way to go.

Is it really possible for anyone to know all the details clearly such as what is the ticket rate for Airlines-A and how much time and in what path it would travel and also to know what is the ticket rate for Class-B in train and how much time and in what path it would travel.

A great research is being carried out to find out all the factors and a Tour is planned such as type of travel and ticket class is planned,Food and Accommodation are planned and at last the tour would be canceled.

This has happened to me many times. Some of my friends would call me for a tour. They make all the plans and at last the tour would be canceled.

The reason being, it is not the How that really matters. Life is all about Why!

For Instance, I wanted to travel to Thanjore which was in TamilNadu. I would not really care about How. I would care about why.

I was really interested to visit the Thanjore Big Temple which was built by the King Raja Raja Cholan. It was exciting me and in whatever means I would travel, I would be happy.

The Word  “Why” gives clarity in thought.

Now, let me change all the Questions

Why to go to New-york
Why to become a doctor
Why to become rich
Why to choose a profession
Why to change a career

The word Why is internal and can give more clarity. The more clear and confident we are, Life would blossom!

How to go to New-york
How to become a doctor
How to become rich
How to choose a profession
How to change a career

How to Live Longer

There is a relation between Breathe and Longivity.

For Example:

Dog breathe 72 Times per minute – Can Live 12 Years

Horse breathe 30 Times per minute – Can Live 25 to 30 Years

Elephant breathe 14-18 Times per minute – Can Live 100 Years

If Man breathe 13-15 Times per minute – Can Live 160 Years


Our Body is just like a machine. It needs to perform at a steady phase and hence it can live longer period.

The Inner Cry

When a Child is born, a mother’s happiness has no bounds and a father would have a feeling of success and cant control the feelings to share to everyone.

The  common Question asked is How does the child look! Is He looking like  father?

When the child is grown up, They ask a Question what do you want to become when you grow up?

Some of the answers of the child would be a Pilot, Police,Hero or Doctor.

When the child is taken outside, the child would cry to buy something.

The Father would buy them all to satisfy the child. The Child face would be full of happiness!!

Its Time for the Child Education – The School life begins and the college life ends.

The Investment of the Father has come to an End!

Now its Time for the Child to repay the Father’s Debt.

When the child thinks it time to fulfill his dreams and when it is time for desires to blossom.There comes a checkmate from the family to take over the responsibility. A responsibility to take care of the family and to repay the debts spent for child growth such as buying when the child cried and for the educational investments.

A child with huge responsibility is sandwiched between responsibility and dreams and there is an inner cry which cannot be heard.

Child Labor is not yet eradicated, it has turned into an investment model by the Poor father without the knowledge of the child.

When a Child is born, a mother’s happiness has no bounds and a father would have a feeling of success and cant control the feelings to share to everyone.


The Adamant Love

  • Every Time or may be Every Second, I am thinking about her.
  • Whenever I do something, it happens that my mind thinks whether she would like what I am doing now even if it no way relevant to her.
  • There is no patience, whenever I have an information I am eager to share with her.
  • Whenever I call her and she doesn’t pickup and I keep worrying all time and my mind thinks why she has not answered the call.
  • Some Days thoughts are filled that I am disturbing her and again it is out of control to call her to ask sorry if I have disturbed her.
  • There is always a Question in mind on whether she likes me or a thought that I am unable to understand her.

If any of the above scenarios  is true to a person then the person may assume that it is Love but more apt word should be Adamant.

The Adamant Nature is a devil which kills the self and others.

Examples of Adamant Nature:

  • As a child, we ask our parents to buy something and if we did not get it, we turn adamant and cry till we get what we wanted.
  • In other case, we cry to get something from our parents and continue to cry and once they give us, we might have said,”I don’t need it. Get Away from me”.

Understanding Adamant Nature:

  • By Being Adamant, we don’t listen to others and their intention of what they are trying to tell.
  • We also don’t express ourselves the real situation and just try to repeat the same answer again and again.

How to overcome Adamant Nature:

  • Being Adamant is an Attitude.
  • Easy way to change the Adamant nature is to have a “Take it easy Policy”.
  • Focus on others happiness and try to accept and respect the suggestions from them.
  • The words “Focus on others happiness” doesn’t mean you have to worry about them thinking if they are happy or not.